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Be Clean

Jan 9, 2022    Rev. Dr. Louis Attles; Pastor

Naaman is a ruler challenged because he only wants his leprosy cleaned away not his wickedness. In this message we learn how to be clean. We have to be open to God cleaning everything that is wrong with us.
00:14:06LaMott Office:Good Morning LaMott Family. Welcome to worship.
00:16:31Robert Love Jr:Praise god whom all blessings flow.
00:24:43wilhelmina love:Thank you God for my church family
01:07:13Natasha Patterson:it's all apart of God's plan! Amen! πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½
01:07:31Natasha Patterson:Thank you Lord!
01:09:14LaMott Office:BE CLEAN (1) Have FAITH
01:10:15LaMott Office:BE CLEAN (1) Have FAITH (2) FOLLOW Directions (3) FOCUS on doing well
01:10:21wilhelmina love:Sunday 01/09/22 2Kings 5:10 Being Cleansed w/ Mark 5:2
Celebrate a new season and new year while leaving behind your old leprosy (old problems and conditions). Naaman went to see the King which didn’t help him with his leprosy. He needed to go to his faith…the household of God. Naaman felt dishonored because he was not greater with respect to his position. The preacher told him to wash himself 7 times in the Jordan and all his skin would be heal. Sometimes we ask to be healed from one thing while making conditions in the way we want to be healed. We want to be healed but we want to wash some areas instead of our whole self.
We must cleanse our whole self to be healed by God. We can’t expect to be healed if we come with conditions.
1. Faith must be your testimony. We must have the belief that God will cleanse us if we put our trust in him. We must allow god to heal us based on our humility
2. Follow directions that is given to us by the lord. Go into the house of the lord and dip ourselves into